Alaris® System with GuardrailsŪ Suite MX Training
Completion Code Form

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Name: ____________________
Department: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Supervisor: ____________________

Alaris® PC point-of-care unit

_______ 1: Alaris® System Overview
_______ 2: General Setup and Operation
_______ 3: Alarms, Errors, and Messages

Programming Infusions

_______ 1: Guardrails® continuous infusion
_______ 2: Guardrails® bolus dose
_______ 3: Guardrails® intermittent infusion
_______ 4. Guardrails® IV fluid infusion
_______ 5. Infusion without Guardrails® limits

Alaris® Syringe module

_______ 1: Alaris® Syringe module Overview
_______ 2: Preparing an Infusion
_______ 3: Working with an Infusion

SmartSite® needle-free system

_______ 1: SmartSite® needle-free valve
_______ 2: SmartSite® positive bolus needle-free valve

Anesthesia Mode

_______ 1: Anesthesia Mode